My Story
The Perfect Storm
Through a multiyear, life altering physical challenge with Post Concussion Syndrome I was ultimately brought to a place where miracles happen. By applying energy healing techniques and my own intuition, to what seemed an incurable condition, I was able to fully heal, going from 10% cognitive functionality to 100%.
My life had come to a full stop and it was here, at my lowest point, that I found my light within and rediscovered the Light that is within all things.
I used to take pride in overthinking situations. Similar to a game of chess, I wanted to be several moves ahead of life’s potential situations. But the perfect storm of symptoms brought me to a place in which thinking actually became physically painful. The process of thinking was so overwhelming that even overhearing a conversation in another room or a question that required thought would cause excruciatingly painful, taser-like headaches.
Not thinking became a matter of survival. I had no choice but to develop a personal practice of reducing thought. The life of the mind I once knew was no more.
My practice included daily deep meditation and stillness of mind and body. I gradually began to step into a new life, in which there were no thoughts, just spaciousness.
One day I realized that I had gone for a long period of time without any thoughts going through my head, like a beautiful breeze blowing through my field of awareness and the kind of peace that surpassed all of my life experiences up to this point.
For the first time I experienced sensations without thoughts or labels.
This is when I began what some might call a second life, that evolved to a heightened level of awareness and inner guidance.
With the absence of mental activity, I began to experience the one consciousness that is within me and within all things. The sensation and the knowing of infinite divine love that is beyond human thought.
The love I already had for everything is now infinitely deeper.
As I experienced the powerful healing process firsthand, I wanted to continue learning more about these holistic healing modalities.